Family Tree Disease Template

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The ICPCN subscribes to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of Palliative Care for Children, as can be found on their website at: We have asked members to translate the WHO definition into other languages but would like to stress that while these translations have been done by ICPCN members working in the field, the ICPCN cannot guarantee their absolute accuracy. Should you wish to query, add to or comment on any translation found on this site, please send an email to our Information Officer at email hidden; JavaScript is required The ICPCN subscribes to the World Health Organization’s definition of Palliative Care for Children. World Health Organization’s Definition of Palliative Care for Children ENGLISH Palliative care for children represents a special, albeit closely related field to adult palliative care. WHO’s definition of palliative care appropriate for children and their families is as follows; the principles apply to other paediatric chronic disorders (WHO; 1998a):. Palliative care for children is the active total care of the child’s body, mind and spirit, and also involves giving support to the family. It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at the disease.

Health providers must evaluate and alleviate a child’s physical, psychological, and social distress. Effective palliative care requires a broad multidisciplinary approach that includes the family and makes use of available community resources; it can be successfully implemented even if resources are limited. It can be provided in tertiary care facilities, in community health centres and even in children’s homes. The ICPCN would like to clarify that in this definition, “children’s homes” refers to the family home of the child and not an institution, which can sometimes be referred to as a “Children’s Home”. AFRIKAANS “Palliatiewe sorg vir kinders is die aktiewe, omvattende sorg van die kind se liggaam, siel en verstand, en sluit ook die versorging van die gesin in. Dit neem ‘n aanvang wanneer die siekte gediagnoseer word en gaan voort, ongeag daarvan of die kind behandeling ontvang wat gemik is op die siekte.


Gesondheidsversorgers moet die kind se fisiese, sielkundige en sosiale nood evalueer en verlig. Effektiewe palliatiewe sorg vereis ‘n breë multidissiplinêre aanslag wat die gesin insluit en gebruik maak van beskikbare hulpbronne in die gemeenskap; dit kan met groot sukses geïmplementeer word, selfs al is hierdie hulpbronne beperk. Dit kan voorsien word in tersiêre sorg-fasiliteite, in gemeenskaps-gesondheidsentrums, asook in kinders se ouerhuise.” Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie 2002 NORWEGIAN WHOs definisjon på palliativ behandling passende for barn og deres familie er som følger: Prinsipielt søkes det mot andre pedriatiske, kroniske sykdommer. Palliativ behandling for barn er den optimale behandling av barnets kropp, hjerne og eksistensielle behov, og det involverer også å gi støtte til familien. Behandlingen begynner når diagnosen er stilt, og fortsetter selv om barnet ikke får behandling direkte rettet mot sykdommen. Helsepersonellet må evaluere og lindre barnets fysiske, psykologiske og sosiale lidelser.


Effektiv palliativ behandling krever en bred tverrfaglig tilnærming som inkluderer familien og gjøre nytte av tilgjengelig kommunale resurser. Dette kan bli implementert selv om resurssene er begrenset, det kan gis i kompetansesentre, i samfunnet helsestasjoner og i barnets hjem. PORTUGUESE “Os cuidados paliativos para crianças são o cuidado total do corpo, mente e espírito da criança e envolvem também o cuidado da família. Começa quando a doença é diagnosticada e continua independentemente de uma criança receber tratamento directo para a doença. Os prestadores de cuidados de saúde têm de avaliar e aliviar o sofrimento físico, psicológico e social da criança.

Os cuidados paliativos efectivos requerem uma abordagem multidisciplinar abrangente, que inclui a família, e utilizam todos os recursos da comunidade disponíveis; podem ser implementados com sucesso mesmo quando os recursos são limitados. Podem ser fornecidos em instalações de cuidados terciárias, em centros de saúde comunitários e nas residências das crianças.” Organização Mundial de Saúde 2002 RUSSIAN “Паллиативная помощь детям – это активная, всесторонняя забота о теле ребенка, его психике и душе, а также поддержка членов его семьи. Она начинается с момента установления диагноза и продолжается в течение всего периода заболевания, в том числе на фоне проводимого радикального лечения. Специалисты, оказывающие помощь, должны провести оценку и облегчить физические, психологические и социальные страдания ребенка. Для обеспечения эффективности паллиативной помощи необхода реализация широкого мультидисциплинарного подхода, при этом в оказании помощи принимают участие члены семьи ребенка и используются общественные ресурсы; помощь может осуществляться успешно даже при ограниченных ресурсах.

Она может быть организована в учреждениях третичной медицинской помощи, в общественных центрах здоровья и даже в детских домах”. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 2002г. Translator: Dr Elena Vvedenskaya SPANISH “El cuidado paliativo para niños es el cuidado activo, total del cuerpo, mente y espíritu del niño, y también abarca el cuidado ofrecido a la familia.

Empieza cuando se diagnostica la enfermedad y continúa independientemente de que el niño reciba un tratamiento orientado hacia su enfermedad. Los agentes sanitarios deberán evaluar y aliviar los dolores físicos, psicológicos y sociales de los niños.

El cuidado paliativo eficaz exige un amplio enfoque multidisciplinario que incluye la familia y utiliza los recursos disponibles de la comunidad; puede implementarse con éxito incluso cuando los recursos sean limitados. Puede ofrecerse en instalaciones de cuidados terciarios, en centros sanitarios públicos y en los hogares de los niños”. Organización Mundial de la Salud 2002.

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